Meet Star
Star is a 16 lb. lover boy. He enjoys eating, sleeping, being held and pet, scratching his scratching post, and going outside when he is feeling brave. Star will be 2 yrs old in March.
Fun fact: Star used to have 3 stuffed mice that he LOVED, but they have all vanished into thin air now. We have searched everywhere (even under large appliances).
Meet Mitzi
Mitzi is a tiny 6 lb. sweetie who is scared of her own shadow. She enjoys begging for food, following around her brother, sleeping, pulling the leaves of house plants, knocking of Christmas ornaments, and scratching her scratching post.
Fun Fact: Mitzi likes to hunt her prey (pizza crust, chicken tender bite) and bat it around for a while before she eats it
;) Mimi
I love Starr and Mitzi!